I had the honor of witnessing pure talent in my husband Dan. I was both fascinated and seduced by his creativity. I would sit and be mesmerized by his attention to details. I watched him hand paint textile repeats for hours on end. His patience while painting was remarkable.
Dan's Story

Stressed by the corporate world, so distant from his artistic past, I brought Dan trout fishing in the hopes of raising his spirits. I would have never imagined that I was opening an ocean of possibilities for him.

So many times Dan would talk to me about how beautiful a fish was when first coming out of the water. How the light would dance off of its scales and showcase their many iridescent colors. But no words could truly describe what he saw. So he painted.
Then magic happened. Both of his passions came together. He started fishing. Then he started painting the fish that he had caught. The realism that transpires from his paintings are testimonies of Dan’s love and respect for his subjects. The fish that were then jumping out of the water are now jumping out of the canvas.

Dan’s Instagram page was his gift to us – a portal to his own private universe. Not only did he continue to create amazing pieces of art, he also took so many captivating pictures and videos.
Covid ended up being a blessing for Dan. He spent his last year fishing and painting. His two passions. Unfortunately, he left us too early and suddenly. Fortunately he left us with twenty breath-taking paintings.

Many of you have reached out to me, wanting to purchase Dan’s artwork. You can order prints or canvases of all his artwork through Riverside Art.
Gone Fishing